Sorelle is finished, but the last couple of days have been gray and rainy, and I'm waiting for better weather to take some photos. And I've decided to give myself a break--a short one--on writing up the pattern, and instead have been playing with some...COLOR!
Sorelle e finita, ma il scorso paio di giorni erano grigio e piovoso, e sto aspettando a migliore tempo per scattare delle fotografie. E ho deciso a darmi una tregua--una breve--per scrivere il modello, e invece stavo giocando con del...COLORE!
I suppose I could have gotten out the Prismacolors and matched my yarn shades more precisely, but I didn't; I used my Stitch and Motif Maker and got as close as I could with their custom colors function, and then clicked away with my mouse for an hour or two. It will be interesting to see how the swatch(es) turn out....
Immagino che potrei usato i pastelli Prismacolor e uguagliato i colori dei miei filati piu precisamente, ma invece usavo il mio Stitch and Motif Maker ed ho fatto del proprio meglio con questo. Sara' interessante vedere come va il campione/vanno i campioni....
How fun, Angela! I'm so envious that you're good with colors and motifs. I suck at that.
Don't wait too long with the pattern. I find if I let too much time pass, I forget what I did! Of course, my knitting notes really suck too :(
Posted by: connie | September 27, 2007 at 01:51 PM