« At long last | Main | Yardage for Chinese Lace Pullover »



YEAH!!! The pattern! I have already downloaded and it is going into the knitting queue :O( As I have to keep at least the though of Christmas knitting alive.

When you have the schematic I would very much like the updated version.

Thanks again for you beautiful crafting so other can follow :O)


Perfect. I've been waiting for this. Congrats on yet another lovely pattern. Please do e-mail me the schematics when you finish them.

Also, you have to keep the pattern name "Chinese Lace" - it will make it easier for those who remember it from before to find.

And, finally - tell Knitty to add yor web address. Sherwood is a favorite and people will want to find your site. Congrats again on all your beautiful patterns.

xox, J




I love your blog! Your patterns are so stylish, I just finished a version of your Beaufort Hat and it is up on my blog @ http://knitosaurus.com/beaufort-hat/
Sorry I couldn't get your email to work on the computer I am using.

Your new sweater is very nice too. I loved Como, I visited there a few years ago and it was one of my favorite places in Italy. Looking at your blog reminds me of what a nice time I had there!


Love the pattern. Would you mind sharing the yardage for this? Curious if I have some stash for it :)


Very nice sweater! It looks comfortable. Brown Sheep has a cotton fleece yarn of that shade. Is it what you used? If not, which did you use? It is very pretty and I'd like to put it on my 'to make' list.
It is rather pretty!

Sande Francis

I am much taken by this pattern, but I wonder about the raglan shaping in the larger sizes. Are there photos anywhere of the sweater on a larger sized model? Thanks,

[email protected]

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