Prevents hydrophobia, excessive salivation, death, attacks of incoherent rage, and generally aberrant behavior!" Maybe I should have gone into marketing. Should "death" come last?
Unfortunately, while thinking about rabies tags and what they signify--that the wearers have been vaccinated against rabies--I also came to the inescapable conclusion that "rabid kitty hat" should logically be "NON-rabid kitty hat." Sounds kinda clumsy. Think, think. I guess I'll go with "happy cat hat," assuming that your cat would be happy if it knew it was safe from the dread disease.
Well, I'll get to work on the prototypical hat ASAP. In the meantime (back to the recap of the last year's FOs), this Cotton Aran Sweater, again from DB's Classic Knits for Kids, was my next project, following the Aran Coat and the Chevron & Feather Scarf (see 12/3 post). Since I'd made something for my toddler, I thought I'd better knit something for my older son. He helped me choose the pattern and told me red was the color. I used Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (80% cotton and 20% merino) in Barn Red, and I did swatch this time. The pattern called for a high crew neck, but as I neared the neck on the front, I realized that the center panel would stop at an unattractive point. I decided to do a V-neck instead. That's it! The only change I made to this pattern.
Here is a close-up of the panels. Very nice. Sadly, this sweater hasn't seen much use because my son thinks it's too wide--and I have to agree. I think I can blame this one on Debbie, because her designs generally go wide. Okay, so I could have easily narrowed the double moss stitch panels along the sides. Too late now.
Maybe I'll take off the drop sleeves, cut an inch or so off the body sides, sew them up and then reattach the sleeves--although then the sleeves might be too short. On the other hand, maybe they'll be just right, I'm not sure (that shows you how little he's worn it). Maybe I won't take off the sleeves, I'll just angle into the body from the armpit and narrow from there to the hem...aargh. Anyone want a nice wide sweater?